www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/How to install Piwik.html/piwik/plugins/Transitions/javascripts/transitions.js

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later


function DataTable_RowActions_Transitions(dataTable) {
    this.dataTable = dataTable;
    this.transitions = null;

DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.prototype = new DataTable_RowAction;

/** Static helper method to launch transitions from anywhere */
DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.launchForUrl = function (url) {
    broadcast.propagateNewPopoverParameter('RowAction', 'Transitions:url:' + url);

DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageUrlReport = function (module, action) {
    return module == 'Actions' &&
        (action == 'getPageUrls' || action == 'getEntryPageUrls' || action == 'getExitPageUrls' || action == 'getPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch');

DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageTitleReport = function (module, action) {
    return module == 'Actions' && (action == 'getPageTitles' || action == 'getPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch');

DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.prototype.trigger = function (tr, e, subTableLabel) {
    var link = tr.find('> td:first > a').attr('href');
    link = $('<textarea>').html(link).val(); // remove html entities

    var module = this.dataTable.param.module;
    var action = this.dataTable.param.action;
    if (DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageUrlReport(module, action)) {
        this.openPopover('url:' + link);
    } else if (DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageTitleReport(module, action)) {
        DataTable_RowAction.prototype.trigger.apply(this, [tr, e, subTableLabel]);
    } else {
        alert('Transitions can\'t be used on this report.');

DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.prototype.performAction = function (label, tr, e) {
    var separator = ' > '; // LabelFilter::SEPARATOR_RECURSIVE_LABEL
    var labelParts = label.split(separator);
    for (var i = 0; i < labelParts.length; i++) {
        var labelPart = labelParts[i].replace('@', '');
        labelParts[i] = $.trim(decodeURIComponent(labelPart));
    label = labelParts.join(piwik.config.action_url_category_delimiter);
    this.openPopover('title:' + label);

DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.prototype.doOpenPopover = function (link) {
    var parts = link.split(':');
    if (parts.length < 2) {

    var actionType = parts[0];
    var actionName = parts.join(':');

    if (this.transitions === null) {
        this.transitions = new Piwik_Transitions(actionType, actionName, this);
    } else {
        this.transitions.reset(actionType, actionName);


    name: 'Transitions',

    dataTableIcon: 'plugins/Transitions/images/transitions_icon.png',
    dataTableIconHover: 'plugins/Transitions/images/transitions_icon_hover.png',

    order: 20,

    dataTableIconTooltip: [

    createInstance: function (dataTable) {
        return new DataTable_RowActions_Transitions(dataTable);

    isAvailableOnReport: function (dataTableParams) {
        return (
            DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageUrlReport(dataTableParams.module, dataTableParams.action) ||
                DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageTitleReport(dataTableParams.module, dataTableParams.action)

    isAvailableOnRow: function (dataTableParams, tr) {
        if (tr.hasClass('subDataTable')) {
            // not available on groups (i.e. folders)
            return false;
        if (DataTable_RowActions_Transitions.isPageUrlReport(dataTableParams.module, dataTableParams.action)
            && !tr.find('> td:first span.label').parent().is('a')) {
            // not on page url without link (i.e. "Page URL not defined")
            return false;
        return true;



function Piwik_Transitions(actionType, actionName, rowAction) {
    this.reset(actionType, actionName);
    this.rowAction = rowAction;

    this.ajax = new Piwik_Transitions_Ajax();
    this.model = new Piwik_Transitions_Model(this.ajax);

    this.leftGroups = ['previousPages', 'previousSiteSearches', 'searchEngines', 'websites', 'campaigns'];
    this.rightGroups = ['followingPages', 'followingSiteSearches', 'downloads', 'outlinks'];

Piwik_Transitions.prototype.reset = function (actionType, actionName) {
    this.actionType = actionType;
    this.actionName = actionName;

    this.popover = null;
    this.canvas = null;
    this.centerBox = null;

    this.leftOpenGroup = 'previousPages';
    this.rightOpenGroup = 'followingPages';

    this.highlightedGroup = false;
    this.highlightedGroupSide = false;
    this.highlightedGroupCenterEl = false;

/** Open the popover */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.showPopover = function () {
    var self = this;

    this.popover = Piwik_Popover.showLoading('Transitions', self.actionName, 550);

    var bothLoaded = function () {


        if (self.model.searchEnginesNbTransitions > 0 && self.model.websitesNbTransitions > 0
            + self.model.campaignsNbTransitions > 0) {


    // load the popover HTML (only done once)
    var callbackForHtml = false;
    if (typeof Piwik_Transitions.popoverHtml == 'undefined') {
        this.ajax.callTransitionsController('renderPopover', function (html) {
            Piwik_Transitions.popoverHtml = html;
            if (callbackForHtml !== false) {

    // load the data
    self.model.loadData(self.actionType, self.actionName, function () {
        if (typeof Piwik_Transitions.popoverHtml == 'undefined') {
            // html not there yet
            callbackForHtml = bothLoaded;
        } else {
            // html already loaded

/** Prepare the popover with the basic DOM to add data later. */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.preparePopover = function () {
    var self = this;

    var width = 900;
    var height = 550;

    var canvasBgLeft = self.prepareCanvas('Background_Left', width, height);
    var canvasBgRight = self.prepareCanvas('Background_Right', width, height);
    var canvasLeft = self.prepareCanvas('Left', width, height);
    var canvasRight = self.prepareCanvas('Right', width, height);
    var canvasLoops = self.prepareCanvas('Loops', width, height);

    self.canvas = new Piwik_Transitions_Canvas(canvasBgLeft, canvasBgRight, canvasLeft, canvasRight,
        canvasLoops, width, height);

    self.centerBox = self.popover.find('#Transitions_CenterBox');

    var title = self.actionName;
    if (self.actionType == 'url') {
        title = Piwik_Transitions_Util.shortenUrl(title, true);
    title = self.centerBox.find('h2')
        .data('text', title)
        .data('maxLines', 3);

    if (self.actionType == 'url') {
        title.click(function () {
        }).css('cursor', 'pointer');

    var element = title.add(self.popover.find('p.Transitions_Pageviews'));

        track:        true,
        content:      function () {
            var totalNbPageviews = self.model.getTotalNbPageviews();
            if (totalNbPageviews > 0) {

                var share = Math.round(self.model.pageviews / totalNbPageviews * 1000) / 10;

                var text = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.ShareOfAllPageviews;
                text = text.replace(/%s/, self.model.pageviews).replace(/%s/, share + '%');
                text += '<br /><em>' + Piwik_Transitions_Translations.DateRange + ' ' + self.model.date + '</em>';

                var title = '<h3>' + piwikHelper.addBreakpointsToUrl(self.actionName) + '</h3>';

                return title + text;
            return false;
        items:        '*',
        tooltipClass: 'Transitions_Tooltip_Small',
        show: false,
        hide: false

Piwik_Transitions.prototype.prepareCanvas = function (canvasId, width, height) {
    canvasId = 'Transitions_Canvas_' + canvasId;
    var div = $('#' + canvasId).width(width).height(height);
    var canvas;

    if (typeof Piwik_Transitions.canvasCache == 'undefined'
        || typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager != "undefined") {
        // no recycling for excanvas because they are disposed properly anyway and
        // recycling doesn't work this way in IE8
        Piwik_Transitions.canvasCache = {};

    if (typeof Piwik_Transitions.canvasCache[canvasId] == 'undefined') {
        Piwik_Transitions.canvasCache[canvasId] = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas = Piwik_Transitions.canvasCache[canvasId];
        canvas.width = width;
        canvas.height = height;
    } else {
        canvas = Piwik_Transitions.canvasCache[canvasId];
        canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

    return canvas;

/** Render the popover content */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.render = function () {



/** Render left side: referrer groups & direct entries */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderLeftSide = function (onlyBg) {
    this.renderGroups(this.leftGroups, this.leftOpenGroup, 'left', onlyBg);

    this.reRenderIfNeededToCenter('left', onlyBg);

/** Render right side: following pages & exits */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderRightSide = function (onlyBg) {
    this.renderGroups(this.rightGroups, this.rightOpenGroup, 'right', onlyBg);

    this.reRenderIfNeededToCenter('right', onlyBg);

/** Helper method to render open and closed groups for both sides */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderGroups = function (groups, openGroup, side, onlyBg) {
    for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
        var groupName = groups[i];
        if (groupName == openGroup) {
            if (i != 0) {
                var spacing = this.canvas.isNarrowMode() ? 7 : 13;
                this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(spacing, side);
            this.renderOpenGroup(groupName, side, onlyBg);
        } else {
            this.renderClosedGroup(groupName, side, onlyBg);

    this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(13, side);

 * If one side doesn't have much information, it doesn't look good to start from y=0.
 * In this case, add some spacing on top and redraw.
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.reRenderIfNeededToCenter = function (side, onlyBg) {
    var height = (side == 'left' ? this.canvas.leftBoxPositionY : this.canvas.rightBoxPositionY) - 20;
    if (height < 460 && !this.reRendering) {
        var yOffset = (460 - height) / 2;
        this.canvas.clearSide(side, onlyBg);
        this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(yOffset, side);
        this.reRendering = true;
        side == 'left' ? this.renderLeftSide(onlyBg) : this.renderRightSide(onlyBg);
        this.reRendering = false;

/** Render the center box with the main metrics */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderCenterBox = function () {
    var box = this.centerBox;

        box.find('.Transitions_Pageviews'), this.model.pageviews);

    var self = this;
    var showMetric = function (cssClass, modelProperty, highlightCurveOnSide, groupCanBeExpanded) {
        var el = box.find('.Transitions_' + cssClass);
        Piwik_Transitions_Util.replacePlaceholderInHtml(el, self.model[modelProperty]);

        if (self.model[modelProperty] == 0) {
        } else {
            self.addTooltipShowingPercentageOfAllPageviews(el, modelProperty);
            var groupName = cssClass.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + cssClass.substr(1);
            el.hover(function () {
                self.highlightGroup(groupName, highlightCurveOnSide);
            }, function () {
                self.unHighlightGroup(groupName, highlightCurveOnSide);
            if (groupCanBeExpanded) {
                el.click(function () {
                    self.openGroup(highlightCurveOnSide, groupName);
                }).css('cursor', 'pointer');

    showMetric('DirectEntries', 'directEntries', 'left', false);
    showMetric('PreviousSiteSearches', 'previousSiteSearchesNbTransitions', 'left', true);
    showMetric('PreviousPages', 'previousPagesNbTransitions', 'left', true);
    showMetric('SearchEngines', 'searchEnginesNbTransitions', 'left', true);
    showMetric('Websites', 'websitesNbTransitions', 'left', true);
    showMetric('Campaigns', 'campaignsNbTransitions', 'left', true);

    showMetric('FollowingPages', 'followingPagesNbTransitions', 'right', true);
    showMetric('FollowingSiteSearches', 'followingSiteSearchesNbTransitions', 'right', true);
    showMetric('Outlinks', 'outlinksNbTransitions', 'right', true);
    showMetric('Downloads', 'downloadsNbTransitions', 'right', true);
    showMetric('Exits', 'exits', 'right', false);


Piwik_Transitions.prototype.addTooltipShowingPercentageOfAllPageviews = function(element, metric) {
    var tip = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.XOfAllPageviews;
    var percentage = this.model.getPercentage(metric, true);
    tip = tip.replace(/%s/, '<strong>' + percentage + '</strong>');

        track: true,
        content: tip,
        items: '*',
        tooltipClass: 'Transitions_Tooltip_Small',
        show: false,
        hide: false

/** Render the loops (i.e. page reloads) */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderLoops = function () {
    if (this.model.loops == 0) {

    var loops = this.popover.find('#Transitions_Loops').show();
    Piwik_Transitions_Util.replacePlaceholderInHtml(loops, this.model.loops);

    this.addTooltipShowingPercentageOfAllPageviews(loops, 'loops');


Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderEntries = function (onlyBg) {
    if (this.model.directEntries > 0) {
        var self = this;

        var isHighlighted = this.highlightedGroup == 'directEntries';
        var gradient = this.canvas.createHorizontalGradient('entries', 'left', isHighlighted);

            side: 'left',
            onlyBg: onlyBg,
            share: this.model.getPercentage('directEntries'),
            gradient: gradient,
            boxText: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.directEntries,
            boxTextNumLines: 1,
            boxTextCssClass: 'SingleLine',
            smallBox: true,
            onMouseOver: function () {
                self.highlightGroup('directEntries', 'left');
            onMouseOut: function () {
                self.unHighlightGroup('directEntries', 'left');
        this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(20, 'left');

Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderExits = function (onlyBg) {
    if (this.model.exits > 0) {
        var self = this;

        var isHighlighted = this.highlightedGroup == 'exits';
        var gradient = this.canvas.createHorizontalGradient('exits', 'right', isHighlighted);

            side: 'right',
            onlyBg: onlyBg,
            share: this.model.getPercentage('exits'),
            gradient: gradient,
            boxText: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.exits,
            boxTextNumLines: 1,
            boxTextCssClass: 'SingleLine',
            smallBox: true,
            onMouseOver: function () {
                self.highlightGroup('exits', 'right');
            onMouseOut: function () {
                self.unHighlightGroup('exits', 'right');
        this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(20, 'right');

/** Render the open group with the detailed data */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderOpenGroup = function (groupName, side, onlyBg) {
    var self = this;

    // get data from the model
    var nbTransitionsVarName = groupName + 'NbTransitions';
    var nbTransitions = self.model[nbTransitionsVarName];
    if (nbTransitions == 0) {

    var totalShare = this.model.getPercentage(nbTransitionsVarName);
    var details = self.model.getDetailsForGroup(groupName);

    // prepare gradients
    var gradientItems = this.canvas.createHorizontalGradient('items', side);
    var gradientOthers = this.canvas.createHorizontalGradient('others', side);
    var gradientBackground =
        this.canvas.createHorizontalGradient('background', side, groupName == this.highlightedGroup);

    // remember current offsets to reset them later for drawing the background
    var boxPositionBefore, curvePositionBefore;
    if (side == 'left') {
        boxPositionBefore = this.canvas.leftBoxPositionY;
        curvePositionBefore = this.canvas.leftCurvePositionY;
    } else {
        boxPositionBefore = this.canvas.rightBoxPositionY;
        curvePositionBefore = this.canvas.rightCurvePositionY;

    // headline of the open group
    var titleX, titleClass;
    if (side == 'left') {
        titleX = this.canvas.leftBoxBeginX + 10;
        titleClass = 'BoxTextLeft';
    } else {
        titleX = this.canvas.rightBoxBeginX - 1;
        titleClass = 'BoxTextRight';
    if (!onlyBg) {
        var groupTitle = self.model.getGroupTitle(groupName);
        var titleEl = this.canvas.renderText(groupTitle, titleX, boxPositionBefore + 11,
            [titleClass, 'TitleOfOpenGroup']);
        titleEl.hover(function () {
            self.highlightGroup(groupName, side);
        }, function () {
            self.unHighlightGroup(groupName, side);
    this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(34, side);

    // draw detail boxes
    for (var i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
        var data = details[i];
        var label = (typeof data.url != 'undefined' ? data.url : data.label);
        label = (typeof label != 'undefined' && label !== null ? label : '');
        var isOthers = (label == 'Others');
        var onClick = false;
        if (!isOthers && (groupName == 'previousPages' || groupName == 'followingPages')) {
            onClick = (function (url) {
                return function () {
        } else if (!isOthers && (groupName == 'outlinks' || groupName == 'websites' || groupName == 'downloads')) {
            onClick = (function (url) {
                return function () {

        var tooltip = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.XOfY;
        tooltip = '<strong>' + tooltip.replace(/%s/, data.referrals + '</strong>').replace(/%s/, nbTransitions);
        tooltip = this.model.getShareInGroupTooltip(tooltip, groupName);

        var fullLabel = label;
        var shortened = false;
        if ((this.actionType == 'url' && (groupName == 'previousPages' || groupName == 'followingPages'))
            || groupName == 'downloads') {
            // remove http + www + domain for internal URLs
            label = Piwik_Transitions_Util.shortenUrl(label, true);
            shortened = true;
        } else if (groupName == 'outlinks' || groupName == 'websites') {
            // remove http + www for external URLs
            label = Piwik_Transitions_Util.shortenUrl(label);
            shortened = true;

            side: side,
            onlyBg: onlyBg,
            share: data.percentage / 100 * totalShare,
            gradient: isOthers ? gradientOthers : gradientItems,
            boxText: label,
            boxTextTooltip: isOthers || !shortened ? false : fullLabel,
            boxTextNumLines: 3,
            curveText: data.percentage + '%',
            curveTextTooltip: tooltip,
            onClick: onClick

    // draw background
    var boxPositionAfter, curvePositionAfter;
    if (side == 'left') {
        boxPositionAfter = this.canvas.leftBoxPositionY;
        curvePositionAfter = this.canvas.leftCurvePositionY;
        this.canvas.leftBoxPositionY = boxPositionBefore;
        this.canvas.leftCurvePositionY = curvePositionBefore;
    } else {
        boxPositionAfter = this.canvas.rightBoxPositionY;
        curvePositionAfter = this.canvas.rightCurvePositionY;
        this.canvas.rightBoxPositionY = boxPositionBefore;
        this.canvas.rightCurvePositionY = curvePositionBefore;

        side: side,
        boxHeight: boxPositionAfter - boxPositionBefore - this.canvas.boxSpacing - 2,
        curveHeight: curvePositionAfter - curvePositionBefore - this.canvas.curveSpacing,
        gradient: gradientBackground,
        bgCanvas: true

    var spacing = this.canvas.isNarrowMode() ? 8 : 15;
    this.canvas.addBoxSpacing(spacing, side);

/** Render a closed group without detailed data, only one box for the sum */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.renderClosedGroup = function (groupName, side, onlyBg) {
    var self = this;

    var isHighlighted = groupName == this.highlightedGroup;
    var gradient = this.canvas.createHorizontalGradient('closed-group', side, isHighlighted);

    var nbTransitionsVarName = groupName + 'NbTransitions';

    if (self.model[nbTransitionsVarName] == 0) {

        side: side,
        onlyBg: onlyBg,
        share: self.model.getPercentage(nbTransitionsVarName),
        gradient: gradient,
        boxText: self.model.getGroupTitle(groupName),
        boxTextNumLines: 1,
        boxTextCssClass: 'SingleLine',
        boxIcon: 'plugins/Morpheus/images/plus_blue.png',
        smallBox: true,
        onClick: function () {
            self.unHighlightGroup(groupName, side);
            self.openGroup(side, groupName);
        onMouseOver: function () {
            self.highlightGroup(groupName, side);
        onMouseOut: function () {
            self.unHighlightGroup(groupName, side);

/** Reload the entire popover for a different URL */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.reloadPopover = function (url) {
    if (this.rowAction) {
        this.rowAction.openPopover(this.actionType + ':' + url);
    } else {
        this.reset(this.actionType, url);

/** Redraw the left or right sides with a different group opened */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.openGroup = function (side, groupName) {


    if (side == 'left') {
        this.leftOpenGroup = groupName;
    } else {
        this.rightOpenGroup = groupName;



/** Highlight a group: change curve color and highlight metric in the center box */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.highlightGroup = function (groupName, side) {
    if (this.highlightedGroup == groupName) {
    if (this.highlightedGroup !== false) {
        this.unHighlightGroup(this.highlightedGroup, this.highlightedGroupSide);

    this.highlightedGroup = groupName;
    this.highlightedGroupSide = side;

    var cssClass = 'Transitions_' + groupName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + groupName.substr(1);
    this.highlightedGroupCenterEl = this.canvas.container.find('.' + cssClass);

    this.canvas.clearSide(side, true);
    if (side == 'left') {
    } else {

/** Remove highlight after using highlightGroup() */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.unHighlightGroup = function (groupName, side) {
    if (this.highlightedGroup === false) {


    this.highlightedGroup = false;
    this.highlightedGroupSide = false;
    this.highlightedGroupCenterEl = false;

    this.canvas.clearSide(side, true);
    if (side == 'left') {
    } else {

/** Open a link in a new tab */
Piwik_Transitions.prototype.openExternalUrl = function (url) {
    if (url.substring(0, 4) != 'http') {
        // internal pages don't have the protocol
        // external links / downloads have the protocol
        url = 'http://' + url;
    url = piwik.piwik_url + '?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=' + encodeURIComponent(url);
    window.open(url, '_newtab');

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

function Piwik_Transitions_Canvas(canvasBgLeft, canvasBgRight, canvasLeft, canvasRight, canvasLoops, width, height) {

    if (typeof window.G_vmlCanvasManager != "undefined") {

    if (!canvasBgLeft.getContext) {
        alert('Your browser is not supported.');

    /** DOM element that contains the canvas */
    this.container = $(canvasBgLeft).parent().parent();

    /** Drawing context of the canvases */
    this.contextBgLeft = canvasBgLeft.getContext('2d');
    this.contextBgRight = canvasBgRight.getContext('2d');
    this.contextLeft = canvasLeft.getContext('2d');
    this.contextRight = canvasRight.getContext('2d');
    this.contextLoops = canvasLoops.getContext('2d');

    /** Width of the entire canvas */
    this.width = width;
    /** Height of the entire canvas */
    this.height = height;

    /** Current Y positions */
    this.leftBoxPositionY = this.originalBoxPositionY = 0;
    this.leftCurvePositionY = this.originalCurvePositionY = 110;
    this.rightBoxPositionY = this.originalBoxPositionY;
    this.rightCurvePositionY = this.originalCurvePositionY;

    /** Width of the rectangular box */
    this.boxWidth = 175;
    /** Height of the rectangular box */
    this.boxHeight = 53;
    /** Height of a smaller rectangular box */
    this.smallBoxHeight = 30;
    /** Width of the curve that connects the boxes to the center */
    this.curveWidth = 170;
    /** Line-height of the text */
    this.lineHeight = 14;
    /** Spacing between rectangular boxes */
    this.boxSpacing = 7;
    /** Spacing between the curves where they connect to the center */
    this.curveSpacing = 1.5;

    /** The total net height (without curve spacing) of the curves as they connect to the center */
    this.totalHeightOfConnections = 205;

    /** X positions of the left box - begin means left, end means right */
    this.leftBoxBeginX = 0;
    this.leftCurveBeginX = this.leftBoxBeginX + this.boxWidth;
    this.leftCurveEndX = this.leftCurveBeginX + this.curveWidth;

    /** X positions of the right box - begin means left, end means right */
    this.rightBoxEndX = this.width;
    this.rightBoxBeginX = this.rightCurveEndX = this.rightBoxEndX - this.boxWidth;
    this.rightCurveBeginX = this.rightCurveEndX - this.curveWidth;

    // load gradient colors from CSS
    this.colors = {};

    var transitionsColorNamespaces = ['entries', 'exits', 'background', 'closed-group', 'items', 'others', 'loops'];
    var gradientColorNames = ['light', 'dark', 'light-highlighted', 'dark-highlighted'];
    for (var i = 0; i != transitionsColorNamespaces.length; ++i) {
        var namespace = 'transition-' + transitionsColorNamespaces[i];
        this.colors[namespace] = piwik.ColorManager.getColors(namespace, gradientColorNames);

 * Activate narrow mode: draw groups a bit more compact in order to save space
 * for more than 3 referrer groups.
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.narrowMode = function () {
    this.smallBoxHeight = 26;
    this.boxSpacing = 4;
    this.narrowMode = true;

Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.isNarrowMode = function () {
    return typeof this.narrowMode != 'undefined';

 * Helper to create horizontal gradients
 * @param    {String} colorGroup
 * @param    {String} position    left|right
 * @param    {Boolean} isHighlighted
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.createHorizontalGradient = function (colorGroup, position, isHighlighted) {
    var fromX, toX, fromColor, toColor, lightColor, darkColor;

    colorGroup = 'transition-' + colorGroup;
    if (isHighlighted) {
        lightColor = this.colors[colorGroup]['light-highlighted'];
        darkColor = this.colors[colorGroup]['dark-highlighted'];
    } else {
        lightColor = this.colors[colorGroup]['light'];
        darkColor = this.colors[colorGroup]['dark'];

    if (position == 'left') {
        // gradient is used to fill a box on the left
        fromX = this.leftBoxBeginX + 50;
        toX = this.leftCurveEndX - 20;
        fromColor = lightColor;
        toColor = darkColor;
    } else {
        // gradient is used to fill a box on the right
        fromX = this.rightCurveBeginX + 20;
        toX = this.rightBoxEndX - 50;
        fromColor = darkColor;
        toColor = lightColor;

    var gradient = this.contextBgLeft.createLinearGradient(fromX, 0, toX, 0);
    gradient.addColorStop(0, fromColor);
    gradient.addColorStop(1, toColor);

    return gradient;

/** Render text using a div inside the container */
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.renderText = function (text, x, y, cssClass, onClick, icon, maxLines) {
    var div = this.addDomElement('div', 'Text');
        left: x + 'px',
        top: y + 'px'
    if (icon) {
        div.css({backgroundImage: 'url(' + icon + ')'});
    if (cssClass) {
        if (typeof cssClass == 'object') {
            for (var i = 0; i < cssClass.length; i++) {
                div.addClass('Transitions_' + cssClass[i]);
        } else {
            div.addClass('Transitions_' + cssClass);
    if (onClick) {
        div.css('cursor', 'pointer').hover(function () {
        },function () {
    if (maxLines) {
        div.addClass('Transitions_ApplyTextAndTruncate').data('text', text);
    } else {
    return div;

/** Add a DOM element inside the container (as a sibling of the canvas) */
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.addDomElement = function (tagName, cssClass) {
    var el = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('Transitions_' + cssClass);
    return el;

 * Truncate box texts by replacing the middle part with ...
 * This method looks for the class Transitions_ApplyTextAndTruncate.
 * It then looks up data-text and truncates it until it fits.
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.truncateVisibleBoxTexts = function () {
    this.container.find('.Transitions_ApplyTextAndTruncate').each(function () {
        var container = $(this).html('<span>');
        var span = container.find('span');

        var text = container.data('text');

        var divHeight = container.innerHeight();
        if (container.data('maxLines')) {
            divHeight = container.data('maxLines') * (parseInt(container.css('lineHeight'), 10) + .2);

        var leftPart = false;
        var rightPart = false;

        while (divHeight < span.outerHeight()) {
            if (leftPart === false) {
                var middle = Math.round(text.length / 2);
                leftPart = text.substring(0, middle);
                rightPart = text.substring(middle, text.length);
            leftPart = leftPart.substring(0, leftPart.length - 2);
            rightPart = rightPart.substring(2, rightPart.length);
            text = leftPart + '...' + rightPart;


 * Render a box.
 * This method automatically keeps track of the current position.
 * PARAMS (pass as object):
 * side: left or right
 * share: of the box in the total amount of incoming transitions
 * gradient: for filling the box
 * boxText: to be placed inside the box (optional)
 * boxTextNumLines: the number of lines to be placed in the box (optional)
 * boxTextCssClass: for divs containing the texts (optional)
 * boxTextTooltip: text for a tooltip this is when hovering the box text (optional)
 * curveText: to be placed where the curve begins (optional)
 * curveTextTooltip: text for a tooltip that is shown when hovering the curve text (optional)
 * smallBox: use this.smallBoxHeight instead of this.boxHeight (optional)
 * boxIcon: path to an icon that is put in front of the text (optional)
 * onClick: click callback for the text in the box (optional)
 * onMouseOver: mouse over callback for the text in the box (optional)
 * onMouseOut: mouse over callback for the text in the box (optional)
 * onlyBg: render only the background, not the text; used for highlighting (optional)
 * Only used for background:
 * curveHeight: fix height in px instead of share
 * boxHeight: fix box height in px
 * bgCanvas: true to draw on background canvas
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.renderBox = function (params) {
    var curveHeight = params.curveHeight ? params.curveHeight :
        Math.round(this.totalHeightOfConnections * params.share);
    curveHeight = Math.max(curveHeight, 1);

    var boxHeight = this.boxHeight;
    if (params.smallBox) {
        boxHeight = this.smallBoxHeight;
    if (params.boxHeight) {
        boxHeight = params.boxHeight;

    var context;
    if (params.bgCanvas) {
        context = params.side == 'left' ? this.contextBgLeft : this.contextBgRight;
    } else {
        context = params.side == 'left' ? this.contextLeft : this.contextRight;

    // background
    context.fillStyle = params.gradient;
    if (params.side == 'left') {
        this.renderLeftBoxBg(context, boxHeight, curveHeight);
    } else {
        this.renderRightBoxBg(context, boxHeight, curveHeight);
    if (typeof context.endPath == 'function') {

    // text inside the box
    if (params.boxText && !params.onlyBg) {
        var onClick = typeof params.onClick == 'function' ? params.onClick : false;
        var boxTextLeft, boxTextTop, el;
        if (params.side == 'left') {
            boxTextLeft = this.leftBoxBeginX + 10;
            boxTextTop = this.leftBoxPositionY + boxHeight / 2 - params.boxTextNumLines * this.lineHeight / 2;
            el = this.renderText(params.boxText, boxTextLeft, boxTextTop, 'BoxTextLeft', onClick, params.boxIcon,
        } else {
            boxTextLeft = this.rightBoxBeginX;
            boxTextTop = this.rightBoxPositionY + boxHeight / 2 - params.boxTextNumLines * this.lineHeight / 2;
            el = this.renderText(params.boxText, boxTextLeft, boxTextTop, 'BoxTextRight', onClick, params.boxIcon,
        if (params.boxTextCssClass) {
            el.addClass('Transitions_' + params.boxTextCssClass);
        // tooltip
        if (params.boxTextTooltip) {
            var tip = piwikHelper.addBreakpointsToUrl(params.boxTextTooltip);
                track: true,
                content: tip,
                items: '*',
                tooltipClass: 'Transitions_Tooltip_Small',
                show: false,
                hide: false
        if (typeof params.onMouseOver == 'function') {
        if (typeof params.onMouseOut == 'function') {

    // text at the beginning of the curve
    if (params.curveText && !params.onlyBg) {
        var curveTextLeft, curveTextTop;
        if (params.side == 'left') {
            curveTextLeft = this.leftBoxBeginX + this.boxWidth + 3;
            curveTextTop = this.leftBoxPositionY + boxHeight / 2 - this.lineHeight / 2;
        } else {
            curveTextLeft = this.rightBoxBeginX - 37;
            curveTextTop = this.rightBoxPositionY + boxHeight / 2 - this.lineHeight / 2;
        var textDiv = this.renderText(params.curveText, curveTextLeft, curveTextTop,
            params.side == 'left' ? 'CurveTextLeft' : 'CurveTextRight');
        // tooltip
        if (params.curveTextTooltip) {
                track: true,
                content: params.curveTextTooltip,
                items: '*',
                tooltipClass: 'Transitions_Tooltip_Small',
                show: false,
                hide: false

    if (params.side == 'left') {
        this.leftBoxPositionY += boxHeight + this.boxSpacing;
        this.leftCurvePositionY += curveHeight + this.curveSpacing;
    } else {
        this.rightBoxPositionY += boxHeight + this.boxSpacing;
        this.rightCurvePositionY += curveHeight + this.curveSpacing;

Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.renderLeftBoxBg = function (context, boxHeight, curveHeight) {
    // derive coordinates for ths curve
    var leftUpper = {x: this.leftCurveBeginX, y: this.leftBoxPositionY};
    var leftLower = {x: this.leftCurveBeginX, y: this.leftBoxPositionY + boxHeight};
    var rightUpper = {x: this.leftCurveEndX, y: this.leftCurvePositionY};
    var rightLower = {x: this.leftCurveEndX, y: this.leftCurvePositionY + curveHeight};

    // derive control points for bezier curve
    var center = (this.leftCurveBeginX + this.leftCurveEndX) / 2;
    var cp1Upper = {x: center, y: leftUpper.y};
    var cp2Upper = {x: center, y: rightUpper.y};
    var cp1Lower = {x: center, y: rightLower.y};
    var cp2Lower = {x: center, y: leftLower.y};

    // the flow
    context.moveTo(leftUpper.x, leftUpper.y);
    context.bezierCurveTo(cp1Upper.x, cp1Upper.y, cp2Upper.x, cp2Upper.y, rightUpper.x, rightUpper.y);
    context.lineTo(rightLower.x, rightLower.y);
    context.bezierCurveTo(cp1Lower.x, cp1Lower.y, cp2Lower.x, cp2Lower.y, leftLower.x, leftLower.y);

    // the box
    context.lineTo(leftLower.x - this.boxWidth + 2, leftLower.y);
    context.lineTo(leftLower.x - this.boxWidth, leftUpper.y);
    context.lineTo(leftUpper.x, leftUpper.y);

Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.renderRightBoxBg = function (context, boxHeight, curveHeight) {
    // derive coordinates for curve
    var leftUpper = {x: this.rightCurveBeginX, y: this.rightCurvePositionY};
    var leftLower = {x: this.rightCurveBeginX, y: this.rightCurvePositionY + curveHeight};
    var rightUpper = {x: this.rightCurveEndX, y: this.rightBoxPositionY};
    var rightLower = {x: this.rightCurveEndX, y: this.rightBoxPositionY + boxHeight};

    // derive control points for bezier curve
    var center = (this.rightCurveBeginX + this.rightCurveEndX) / 2;
    var cp1Upper = {x: center, y: leftUpper.y};
    var cp2Upper = {x: center, y: rightUpper.y};
    var cp1Lower = {x: center, y: rightLower.y};
    var cp2Lower = {x: center, y: leftLower.y};

    // the flow part 1
    context.moveTo(leftUpper.x, leftUpper.y);
    context.bezierCurveTo(cp1Upper.x, cp1Upper.y, cp2Upper.x, cp2Upper.y, rightUpper.x, rightUpper.y);

    // the box
    context.lineTo(rightUpper.x + this.boxWidth, rightUpper.y);
    context.lineTo(rightLower.x + this.boxWidth - 2, rightLower.y);
    context.lineTo(rightLower.x, rightLower.y);

    // the flow part 2
    context.bezierCurveTo(cp1Lower.x, cp1Lower.y, cp2Lower.x, cp2Lower.y, leftLower.x, leftLower.y);
    context.lineTo(leftUpper.x, leftUpper.y);

/** Add spacing after the current box */
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.addBoxSpacing = function (spacing, side) {
    if (side == 'left') {
        this.leftBoxPositionY += spacing;
    } else {
        this.rightBoxPositionY += spacing;

Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.renderLoops = function (share) {
    var curveHeight = Math.round(this.totalHeightOfConnections * share);
    curveHeight = Math.max(curveHeight, 1);

    // create gradient
    var gradient = this.contextLoops.createLinearGradient(this.leftCurveEndX - 50, 0, this.rightCurveBeginX + 50, 0);
    var light = this.colors['transition-loops']['light'];
    var dark = this.colors['transition-loops']['dark'];
    gradient.addColorStop(0, dark);
    gradient.addColorStop(.5, light);
    gradient.addColorStop(1, dark);

    this.contextLoops.fillStyle = gradient;


    // curve from the upper left connection to the center box to the lower left connection to the text box
    var point1 = {x: this.leftCurveEndX, y: this.leftCurvePositionY};
    var point2 = {x: this.leftCurveEndX, y: 470};

    var cpLeftX = (this.leftCurveBeginX + this.leftCurveEndX) / 2 + 30;
    var cp1 = {x: cpLeftX, y: point1.y};
    var cp2 = {x: cpLeftX, y: point2.y};

    this.contextLoops.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);
    this.contextLoops.bezierCurveTo(cp1.x, cp1.y, cp2.x, cp2.y, point2.x, point2.y);

    // lower line of text box
    var point3 = {x: this.rightCurveBeginX, y: point2.y};
    this.contextLoops.lineTo(point3.x, point3.y);

    // curve to upper right connection to the center box
    var point4 = {x: this.rightCurveBeginX, y: this.rightCurvePositionY};
    var cpRightX = (this.rightCurveBeginX + this.rightCurveEndX) / 2 - 30;
    var cp3 = {x: cpRightX, y: point3.y};
    var cp4 = {x: cpRightX, y: point4.y};
    this.contextLoops.bezierCurveTo(cp3.x, cp3.y, cp4.x, cp4.y, point4.x, point4.y);

    // line to lower right connection to the center box
    var point5 = {x: point4.x, y: point4.y + curveHeight};
    this.contextLoops.lineTo(point5.x, point5.y);

    // curve to upper right connection to the text box
    var point6 = {x: point5.x, y: point2.y - 25};
    cpRightX -= 30;
    var cp5 = {x: cpRightX, y: point5.y};
    var cp6 = {x: cpRightX, y: point6.y};
    this.contextLoops.bezierCurveTo(cp5.x, cp5.y, cp6.x, cp6.y, point6.x, point6.y);

    // upper line of the text box
    var point7 = {x: point1.x, y: point6.y};
    this.contextLoops.lineTo(point7.x, point7.y);

    // line to lower left connection to the center box
    var point8 = {x: point1.x, y: point1.y + curveHeight};
    cpLeftX += 30;
    var cp7 = {x: cpLeftX, y: point7.y};
    var cp8 = {x: cpLeftX, y: point8.y};
    this.contextLoops.bezierCurveTo(cp7.x, cp7.y, cp8.x, cp8.y, point8.x, point8.y);


    if (typeof this.contextLoops.endPath == 'function') {


/** Clear one side for redrawing */
Piwik_Transitions_Canvas.prototype.clearSide = function (side, onlyBg) {
    if (side == 'left') {
        this.contextBgLeft.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
        this.contextLeft.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
    } else {
        this.contextBgRight.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
        this.contextRight.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
    this.contextLoops.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);

    if (side == 'left') {
        if (!onlyBg) {
        this.leftBoxPositionY = this.originalBoxPositionY;
        this.leftCurvePositionY = this.originalCurvePositionY;
    } else {
        if (!onlyBg) {
        this.rightBoxPositionY = this.originalBoxPositionY;
        this.rightCurvePositionY = this.originalCurvePositionY;

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

function Piwik_Transitions_Model(ajax) {
    this.ajax = ajax;

    this.groupTitles = {};

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.htmlLoaded = function () {
    this.groupTitles.previousPages = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromPreviousPages;
    this.groupTitles.previousSiteSearches = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromPreviousSiteSearches;
    this.groupTitles.followingPages = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.toFollowingPages;
    this.groupTitles.followingSiteSearches = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.toFollowingSiteSearches;
    this.groupTitles.outlinks = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.outlinks;
    this.groupTitles.downloads = Piwik_Transitions_Translations.downloads;

    this.shareInGroupTexts = {
        previousPages: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromPreviousPagesInline,
        previousSiteSearches: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromPreviousSiteSearchesInline,
        followingPages: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.toFollowingPagesInline,
        followingSiteSearches: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.toFollowingSiteSearchesInline,
        searchEngines: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromSearchEnginesInline,
        websites: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromWebsitesInline,
        campaigns: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.fromCampaignsInline,
        outlinks: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.outlinksInline,
        downloads: Piwik_Transitions_Translations.downloadsInline

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.loadData = function (actionType, actionName, callback) {
    var self = this;

    this.pageviews = 0;
    this.exits = 0;
    this.loops = 0;

    this.directEntries = 0;

    this.searchEnginesNbTransitions = 0;
    this.searchEngines = [];

    this.websitesNbTransitions = 0;
    this.websites = [];

    this.campaignsNbTransitions = 0;
    this.campaigns = [];

    this.previousPagesNbTransitions = 0;
    this.previousPages = [];

    this.followingPagesNbTransitions = 0;
    this.followingPages = [];

    this.downloadsNbTransitions = 0;
    this.downloads = [];

    this.outlinksNbTransitions = 0;
    this.outlinks = [];

    this.previousSiteSearchesNbTransitions = 0;
    this.previousSiteSearches = [];

    this.followingSiteSearchesNbTransitions = 0;
    this.followingSiteSearches = [];

    this.date = '';

    this.ajax.callApi('Transitions.getTransitionsForAction', {
            actionType: actionType,
            actionName: actionName,
            expanded: 1
        function (report) {
            self.date = report.date;

            // load page metrics
            self.pageviews = report.pageMetrics.pageviews;
            self.loops = report.pageMetrics.loops;
            self.exits = report.pageMetrics.exits;

            // load referrers: split direct entries and others
            for (var i = 0; i < report.referrers.length; i++) {
                var referrer = report.referrers[i];
                if (referrer.shortName == 'direct') {
                    self.directEntries = referrer.visits;
                } else if (referrer.shortName == 'search') {
                    self.searchEnginesNbTransitions = referrer.visits;
                    self.searchEngines = referrer.details;
                    self.groupTitles.searchEngines = referrer.label;
                } else if (referrer.shortName == 'website') {
                    self.websitesNbTransitions = referrer.visits;
                    self.websites = referrer.details;
                    self.groupTitles.websites = referrer.label;
                } else if (referrer.shortName == 'campaign') {
                    self.campaignsNbTransitions = referrer.visits;
                    self.campaigns = referrer.details;
                    self.groupTitles.campaigns = referrer.label;

            self.loadAndSumReport(report, 'previousPages');
            self.loadAndSumReport(report, 'previousSiteSearches');
            self.loadAndSumReport(report, 'followingPages');
            self.loadAndSumReport(report, 'followingSiteSearches');
            self.loadAndSumReport(report, 'downloads');
            self.loadAndSumReport(report, 'outlinks');

            if (typeof Piwik_Transitions_Model.totalNbPageviews == 'undefined') {
                Piwik_Transitions_Model.totalNbPageviews = false;
                self.ajax.loadTotalNbPageviews(function (nbPageviews) {
                    Piwik_Transitions_Model.totalNbPageviews = nbPageviews;


Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.loadAndSumReport = function (apiData, reportName) {
    var data = this[reportName] = apiData[reportName];
    var sumVarName = reportName + 'NbTransitions';

    this[sumVarName] = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        this[sumVarName] += data[i].referrals;

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.getTotalNbPageviews = function () {
    if (typeof Piwik_Transitions_Model.totalNbPageviews == 'undefined') {
        return false;
    return Piwik_Transitions_Model.totalNbPageviews;

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.getGroupTitle = function (groupName) {
    if (typeof this.groupTitles[groupName] != 'undefined') {
        return this.groupTitles[groupName];
    return groupName;

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.getShareInGroupTooltip = function (share, groupName) {
    var tip = this.shareInGroupTexts[groupName];
    return tip.replace(/%s/, share);

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.getDetailsForGroup = function (groupName) {
    return this.addPercentagesToData(this[groupName]);

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.getPercentage = function (metric, formatted) {
    var percentage = (this.pageviews == 0 ? 0 : this[metric] / this.pageviews);

    if (formatted) {
        percentage = this.roundPercentage(percentage);
        percentage += '%';

    return percentage;

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.addPercentagesToData = function (data) {
    var total = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        total += parseInt(data[i].referrals, 10);

    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        data[i].percentage = this.roundPercentage(data[i].referrals / total);

    return data;

Piwik_Transitions_Model.prototype.roundPercentage = function (value) {
    if (value < .1) {
        return Math.round(value * 1000) / 10.0;
    } else {
        return Math.round(value * 100);

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

function Piwik_Transitions_Ajax() {

Piwik_Transitions_Ajax.prototype.loadTotalNbPageviews = function (callback) {
    this.callApi('Actions.get', {
        columns: 'nb_pageviews'
    }, function (response) {
        var value = typeof response.value != 'undefined' ? response.value : false;

Piwik_Transitions_Ajax.prototype.callTransitionsController = function (action, callback) {
    var ajaxRequest = new ajaxHelper();
        module: 'Transitions',
        action: action
    }, 'get');

Piwik_Transitions_Ajax.prototype.callApi = function (method, params, callback) {
    var self = this;

    params.format = 'JSON';
    params.module = 'API';
    params.method = method;

    var ajaxRequest = new ajaxHelper();
    ajaxRequest.addParams(params, 'get');
        function (result) {
            if (typeof result.result != 'undefined' && result.result == 'error') {
                var errorName = result.message;
                var showError = function () {
                    var errorTitle, errorMessage, errorBack;
                    if (typeof Piwik_Transitions_Translations[errorName] == 'undefined') {
                        errorTitle = 'Exception';
                        errorMessage = errorName;
                        errorBack = '<<<';
                    } else {
                        errorTitle = Piwik_Transitions_Translations[errorName];
                        errorMessage = Piwik_Transitions_Translations[errorName + 'Details'];
                        errorBack = Piwik_Transitions_Translations[errorName + 'Back'];

                    if (typeof params.actionName != 'undefined') {
                        var url = params.actionName;
                        url = piwikHelper.addBreakpointsToUrl(url);
                        errorTitle = errorTitle.replace(/%s/, '<span>' + url + '</span>');

                    errorMessage = errorMessage.replace(/%s/g, '<br />');
                    Piwik_Popover.showError(errorTitle, errorMessage, errorBack);

                if (typeof Piwik_Transitions_Translations == 'undefined') {
                    self.callApi('Transitions.getTranslations', {}, function (response) {
                        if (typeof response[0] == 'object') {
                            Piwik_Transitions_Translations = response[0];
                        } else {
                            Piwik_Transitions_Translations = {};
                } else {
            else {

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

Piwik_Transitions_Util = {

     * Removes protocol, www and trailing slashes from a URL.
     * If removeDomain is set, the domain is removed as well.
    shortenUrl: function (url, removeDomain) {
        if (url == 'Others') {
            return url;

        var urlBackup = url;
        url = url.replace(/http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?/, '');

        if (urlBackup == url) {
            return url;

        if (removeDomain) {
            url = url.replace(/[^\/]*/, '');
            if (url == '/') {
                url = urlBackup;

        url = url.replace(/\/$/, '');

        return url;

     * Replaces a %s placeholder in the HTML.
     * The special feature is that it can be called multiple times, replacing the already
     * replaced placeholder again. It creates a span that can be assigned a class using the
     * spanClass parameter. The default class is 'Transitions_Metric'.
    replacePlaceholderInHtml: function (container, value, spanClass) {
        var span = container.find('span');
        if (span.size() == 0) {
            var html = container.html().replace(/%s/, '<span></span>');
            span = container.html(html).find('span');
            if (!spanClass) {
                spanClass = 'Transitions_Metric';
        if ($.browser.msie && parseFloat($.browser.version) < 8) {
            // ie7 fix
            value += '&nbsp;';
